Focusing and Harmonize Light Body Retreat
The body knows, the soul listens, the spirit lives
Health movement, Deep Connection, Relaxation, Hands on Light Body Mind
A journey exploring and crossing the realms of Earth Life and Heaven AND focusing on the interaction between those 3: making space and holding a safe space for that which will bring something more…
To re-establish contact with our Being is to be in contact with nature, is to be in contact with the Cosmos.
We will experience ‘stepping outside of the box’ and feel how it is to stand on the ‘edge of awareness’ through Whole Body Focusing… Inviting and allowing without judgment ignored, lost, exiled and hidden parts into our awareness and be willingly able to hold an inner dialogue with those body senses in a gentle and respectful way.
By using the hands on the body with simple Shiatsu techniques, sensing through embodied listening from Focusing Life Skills and practicing healing Qi Gong, we will be able to tap into and track our body’s interactional flow, allowing us to resonate with the multidimensional level of the entire body and experience felt shifts…
We will sense the Resonance in carrying our process forward!
Aligning our Life force with the natural forces and learning how to hold the sense of that within…we will experience our self in a new way and allow something fresh to come to life.
In a secluded residence on the beautiful Island of Aegina, a stone’s throw from Athens.
The daily program is 5 hours deep connection… sensing, tracking, tapping into and releasing our felt energies: sun rise body mind exercise, breakfast, interactive focusing and healing touch of Zen Shiatsu, free time to relax (swimming, visiting, enjoying time), sunset meditation, dinner with the group, time for conversation and group activities.