Antigoni Tseggeli
Antigoni Tseggeli was born in Piraeus in 1961 and after her studies in an English Commercial College and a Photography School, worked as a photographer free lancer for 15 years.
Roads of spiritual growth and personal development, education and daily exercise in Qi gong, Kung Fu and Tai Chi lead her to the understanding and awareness of the holographic entity that the human body is.
In 1996 meets Maria Charlet, a Belgian woman therapist and rapporteur of Shiatsu in Greece since 1974. She attends her first Shiatsu course and has the first contact with the Healing Energy. Later in 1999 her first trip to Brazil in Healer Joao de Faria determines her future way.
She delegates her personal development and research to the Complementary Alternative Methods for Health and Wellness through studies, specializations, postgraduate courses and practice till today.
On 1999 she successfully completes the 2 year Special Aesthetic Applications Training and later the 3-year Basic Professional Training in ZEN Shiatsu and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
She continues in postgraduate studies in Greece and abroad in the fields of Quantum Shiatsu, Soundtherapy, Crustalltherapy and Rejuvance (bioenergetic facelift massage).
She updates her complementary skills in therapeutic methods with seminars around the world each year.
From 1999 till 2008 she has worked in Beauty salons and Hotel SPAs in the administration and management of human resources in therapeutic protocols, as Section Leader, Trainer, SPA Manager, Consultor for the organization and design therapeutic work of such spaces.
Since 2008 she is running her own practice, she teaches at Public Professional Institutes, she leads her own professional complementary techniques in workshops, she gives her volunteer healing methods in medical institutions.
She continues with passion herpostgraduate training in Greece and abroad, having specializations in Traumatic Stress and practice Shiatsu, as adjunctive therapy in patient care (before and after surgery, etc.).